Well Happy New Year everyone! 

 We are already halfway through January and I hope that you have been enjoying your Winter edition of the NVS Simply Vegetables Magazine whilst keeping safe and warm indoors. 

If you are anything like me, you will have been sitting planning what to grow this year and what new veg types or varieties to have a go at growing.  There’s lots of new and interesting ideas in your SV mag from Kelvins article on new cultivars for 2021 on pages 17 to 20, along with a section of ideas on page 31 called “looking for something new to grow in 2021” and a great offer from DT Brown on page 16 for our members.   This, along with planning out what to do in this the growing season and learning something new about growing stump carrots, I’m all ready to get started as I work my way  through the veg seed catalogues....and remember don't forget your member's discount codes ( in the "Resources" section of the NVS web site).

I’ve already been out tidying up my winter brassicas which I’ve been enjoying through these cold months,  but I can already see the daylight hours are increasing and we’ll have more time to spend out in our gardens and allotments so here’s to  good growing for 2021.

I’m looking forward to Medwyn’s talk tomorrow evening and it should be a good night for the 70 people who have booked themselves a space.  This will be  the 2nd event we have run using zoom, following on from our 1st Q&A session which was well received.



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