Just to let you know in advance, to aid with planning for this year there some key items we wish to highlight to you in advance.

CLASS 1 – 6 veg collection 

There is a change to the height constraint (with regards to H&S  for exhibitors and judges alike to avoid climbing up on show benches)

CHANGE FROM  Backboard optional. Maximum 2.44m (8') headroom above staging level.      

CHANGE TO        Backboard optional.  Maximum backboard height 1.5m and top tie 2.1m above floor level.

CLASS 22  Beetroot, Long

Further to the Class Size reduction survey given to exhibitors last year, the quantity of Long Beetroot will be reduced as an initial trial for this year.



Please note, a summary report will be in your Summer SV Magazine regarding the survey feedback.

CLASS 26 Chair’s Challenge

As you may already know,  is for two Romanesco  ( Navona F1 seed will be provided in your Spring SV Magazine courtesy of Medwyn’s of Anglesey).

CLASS 27 15 points and under

We just wish to confirm that the 15 point and under class which was introduced last year, is continuing .  A new Trophy,  the “NVS Ireland Trophy”  is kindly being donated from our Irish D.A  (with the inaugural winner from 2023 having been engraved on it)

CLASS 28 Interbranch competition
There will be an Interbranch Competition this year.

Display of vegetables for effect in a trug (trug will be supplied).
Will be judged for variety (25 points), condition/quality (25 points) and overall presentation/attractiveness (25 points)

Please contact your local branch committee if you wish to help out with either supply veg towards the trug or helping assemble your branch’s display.


The NVS  National Championships will be hosted by the Southern Branch this year, held in Ardingly on Sat 21st & Sun 22nd September.  A copy of the schedule & entry form  will be provided to each member along with your quarterly Summer Simply Veg magazine.  It will also be added to the evet  on the web site.

Link to show event

The National Vegetable Society is a registered charity.Registered Charity No. 1088979
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