The Scottish Branch 200 club will soon be starting the first of ten  prize draws,  so there's still time to buy a ticket or two.

One ticket costs just £5 and this gives you entry into ten prize draws from March to December..... that's only 50p per month.

The 200 club fund is split in two, with 50% going towards prize money and 50% going to towards the branch to help fund things such as the Branch Championships.  So all entries are very much appreciated.

You can join by sending your £5  to Gareth Cameron  ( eg a cheque made payable to "National Vegetable Society"  ) .  see attached form for contact details.

Alternatively you could do a BACS transfer directly to the Scottish Branch account,  BUT you must endure to mark the transaction as "200 cub" and include your name ( and membership number would help ).  SORT CODE  80-73-31     ACCOUNT NO. 00573955 Please just give Gareth a phone to let him know you have applied this way so we can cross check and ensure that you are in the draw

Good luck

200 club application form
200 club rules
The National Vegetable Society is a registered charity.Registered Charity No. 1088979
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