Join us for an inspiring talk on growing top-quality pot leeks, specifically designed for NVS members looking to elevate their gardening skills and compete in the prestigious NVS Branch and National championships.

Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting out, this session will guide you through the essential techniques for cultivating award-worthy Pot leeks. Learn about best practices in soil preparation, feeding, and care, with expert tips to help you achieve show-standard results. 

John Soulsby is one of the most recognised names whenever leeks are mentioned. John has also been a regular winner at the Harrogate Show and most of the major leek shows in the country. John supplies a large number of growers with leeks from his nursery in Kibbleworth and has been responsible for the JSN leek which won the National Pot Leek Society Show on multiple occasions. 

So if you want to increase your knowledge on Pot leeks join us for a great evening which will be presented via Zoom. Don’t miss this opportunity to set your sights on success for the year ahead and possibly take your place among the champions!

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Exhibition Pot Leeks Free
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