Following on from our DA committee meeting, our next meet and greet is scheduled for 1pm on Saturday October 5th in Moore Hall, South Roscommon, N37 HT68. 

All members are welcome to attend, and refreshments will be served. 

Please bring any spare vegetables from your garden as we will set up a mini show with a judging demonstration. 

Our own NVS member and Culinary Arts Lecturer, Kevin Ward will provide cookery demonstrations, showcasing innovative, health-enhancing ways to use our vegetables after the show season. 

On the day, we will have a raffle so any donations of prizes will be warmly welcomed.

For more info.  please give Ray Higgins a call on  (086) 4591655   or email [email protected].

VENUE - Moore Hall, South Roscommon, N37 HT68. 

The National Vegetable Society is a registered charity.Registered Charity No. 1088979
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