Dan Bosence will be our guest speaker for our 11th September meeting at 8pm at East Horsley Village Hall, Kingston Avenue, East Horsley, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT24 6QT.

 “Vegetables for all Seasons” will cover how Dan aims to have fresh vegetables for the kitchen throughout the year. “It’s not straightforward, and I don’t always succeed, but it will be backed up by 50 years’ experience of growing. My garden is on heavy clay in the western borders of Surrey, but is south facing and all set out with raised beds. I have followed a no dig, organic approach in my current garden for about 30 years and the talk will be illustrated from my beds, crops and vegetable show exhibits.”  Dan will focus on five aspects of growing vegetables for all seasons:
Extending the cropping season- choice of varieties (frost resistant salads etc)
Successional sowing and cropping
Forcing and blanching winter salads
Autumn, winter and spring use of the greenhouse and cold frames

Meetings are £3 for visitors and free for NVS Members so please pass the details on to your gardening friends.

We welcome volunteers to join in with the running of the Surrey DA.  Please email me at [email protected] or come and have a chat at the meeting if you would like to be involved.

Moira Mannas,

Surrey District Association Secretary

National Vegetable Society

The National Vegetable Society is a registered charity.Registered Charity No. 1088979
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