NVS Pin badge depicting the NVS logo in green and white enamel with a silver outline and butterfly clip fastening. The pin badge is 20mm diameter.

Price £2.50 + £1 P&P

The NVS Measuring  Gauge  is made of anodised aluminium and provides you with an accurate measure of the following sizes  for exhibitors and judges alike.  30mm  (Max diameter for pickling shallots,  35mm ( Max diameter for Small Fruited Tomatoes)  ,  60mm  approx. diameter for Medium Tomatoes  and 75mm (Maximum diameter for Beefsteak Tomatoes  & approx. diameter for Globe Beetroot ).

Price £15 + P&P   

Please contact Sandra  Hall to  order any of the above items

  Tel (01952) 541396  or email email Sandra

The NVS SV Magazine Binder  is a sturdy file which holds  12 editions of your SV Magazine ( 3 Years worth).

(£5.00 + P&P)   

NVS Hessian Bag , ideal for some environmentally friendly shopping.

(£3.50 + P&P)

Please contact June Davies to  order any of the above two  items

Tel 01531 822750     or  Email June

Also,  please note that in some circumstances, your local Branch stock holder may be
able to  arrange to have stock made available locally for a specific event ( e.g. at a show , seminar or talk)  for ease of collection, rather than mailing and thus avoid the P&P.

The National Vegetable Society is a registered charity.Registered Charity No. 1088979
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